Mark McCallister

Head in the Clouds, Feet Treading Water

“Head in the Clouds, Feet Treading Water,” is a document on how to navigate one’s life upon a spiritual and moral compass.  Allowing readers to understand how to live their lives with direction. 

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Our mission is to inspire people with a message of justice, equality, and opportunity.

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Our vision is to create a society where everyone has equal access to opportunities and dignity.

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About the Author

Mark McCallister

Mark McCallister served his country during and after 9/11 in the 82nd Airborne Division.  Shortly after returning to civilian life, he started researching ancient cultures, religions, and philosophies. Looking to the ancient times for answers to the chaotic modern world that we live in today.  Following this path to wisdom, he discovered an understanding of principles that we can all live by.  

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“Head in the Clouds, Feet Treading Water,” reveals how to navigate one’s life upon a spiritual and moral compass. Allowing readers to understand how to live their lives with direction.  It provided the reader with the tools necessary to walk the path to a more manageable and beneficial everyday life.  This book is a text for personal growth and discovery.  It will help the reader focus on the idea of finding one’s own abilities to deal with an everyday chaotic existence.  To understand one’s abilities to live a life of conscience, is to understand how to live by the principles of, “True North.”

About the book

Head in the Clouds, Feet Treading Water

“Head in the Clouds, Feet Treading Water,” reveals how to navigate one’s life based upon a spiritual and moral compass, allowing readers to understand how to live their lives with direction.  It provides the reader with tools necessary to walk the path to a more manageable and satisfying everyday life, with enriched personal growth and discovery.  It helps a reader cope with everyday chaotic existence.  The principle of “True North” provides a scaffold upon which to use one’s abilities to live a fulfilled life of conscience.

Mark McCallister

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